Friday, April 20, 2012

577 - Rescue Me

I believe this is the most minor character in Space Pirates And Zombies: a nameless guy floating in outer pace in an escape pod, who after his ship blew up is rescued by Captain Don.  Space Pirates And Zombies is the smash hit science-fiction shooter from MinMax Studio, and I am making up new character designs for the game.  The Space Pirates And Zombies characters appear on JSVB with their kind consent.

In the original design, the guy looks like a computer programmer forced to act like he's lost in space, wearing these goofy day-glo swim googles to make him look futuristic.  I loved the goggles, but tried to make the character more soulful.  He does get one line in the game, something about "Thank you for rescuing me, please don't dump me out the airlock."  I figure this is the look a man should have to say exactly that. 

Please click on the names to see other Space Pirates And Zombies character re-designs on JSVB: