Tuesday, October 12, 2010

226 - The Artless Horseman

JSVB readers know that I reserve the 13th of every month for Ungood Art Day.  However, October 13th has special significance, so I have to move the Ungood Art forward one day. 

This large unfinished piece has a nice Hallowe'en theme, considering that Hallowe'en is about two weeks away now.  It's my telling of the story of Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman: The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow. 

It's not that this drawing is so bad, although it's not so great either.  Good visual references would have helped me work out the problems with the horse's anatomy.  I think the main problem comes in where I decided to colour in the picture with a 2B pencil, which is not the strongest tool for the job.  Even so, If I thought about what I was doing, I would have made it work. 

Instead, I made the rookie mistake of picking a feature, colouring it in completely, and then moving on to the next.  This prevents me from setting up a logical series of values for brightness and shade.  I should have set up the dark and light areas around the entire picture at the outset, and then worked my way down into the details.  After the neck, I more or less just gave up on this, never to come back to it again until today, where it remains ensrhined as one of my Ungood Art features but a day early.