Saturday, January 13, 2018

1462 - "Use The Force"

Today is the thirteenth of the month, which is traditionally Ungood Art Day on JSVB.  Most artists strive to display their best work to the public.  I think it's a reasonable idea to show some of the doubtful things I have accomplished, since like any artist I will blunder, make mistakes, and despite my best intentions have projects that go not badly but rather ungoodly. 

People have remarked on my desk clutter, which sometimes oversteps into ungoodness.  Here, I am putting one of my sketchbooks into the flatbed scanner.  I have to keep the book steady while the scan head performs its function.  Rather than spending valuable human artist time holding up the book, I discovered that my lightsaber works nicely as a prop.  

After I was done my scan, I considered leaving the book where it was, since it gives me that much more handy shelf space!  I wouldn't be able to use the scanner again (or the lightsaber), although I do have an old scanner in the garage I could maybe pull out from retirement...  well, no.  I've learned that leaving things on the scanner bed tends to glue them to the scanner bed, and that creates a new set of problems.  

 Please click here to see JSVB Post #1034, and another view of my desk clutter from four years ago - notice the piles of stuff are all different!