Saturday, March 24, 2012

560 - "Back Of The Bus"

Last week the Alberta Wildrose Party, a conservative provincial political party in Canada, unveiled their new campaign bus.  Typically, a campaign bus features a colourful full-body graphic wrap that is eye-catching and emblematic of the political party.  Wildrose succeeded on both counts.

For reasons only the Wildrose campaign staff comprehend, they decided to place the portrait of their attractive leader, Danielle Smith, directly above the double wheel well at the back of the bus.  The wheels appear exactly where Ms. Smith's breasts should go, perhaps as an indication of the Wildrose ethic: doubly driven to get the voters' attention. 

I wish my little political cartoon was an exaggeration, but I simply cannot make this stuff up.  I based my image on a photograph taken by John Archer of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.  You can search for it on the Internet and find it easily. 

I used to live in Alberta, but not anymore.  The Conservatives at every level of government in that province seem fond of creating grandiose projects without the benefit of completely thinking them through.  Danielle's bus is the most entertaining gaffe since the formation of the perfectly irony-oblivious Conservative-Reform Alliance Party (CRAP).  In Alberta politics there is truth, but only through negligence.