Thursday, May 26, 2011

377 - Jeff, The Human Dire Wolf

Well, here's a new low for me on JSVB.  This is too stupid even for Ungood Art. 

The other day, we came home with enough toilet paper to cover the Moon.  I carried the packages under my arms like you see here.  All I could think of was that I looked a bit like one of those giant Japanese fighting robots from BattleTech. 

I discovered that if I stuffed a roll by my neck to simulate a small shoulder-mounted rocket launcher, then I would have the load-out appropriate to a Daishi Mech, otherwise known as the Dire Wolf.  And then I figured I had to take a picture of that and share it online.  No doubt the sort of decision that will come back to haunt me, or at least precipitate the downfall of civilization as we know it. 

I don't even like BattleTech, although I find the associated "Mech Warrior" videogames to be a guilty pleasure.  BattleTech purists will note that the Dire Wolf has retrograde knees (they bend backwards), while my knees bend forward.  I actually spent an hour out of my life creating a convincing retrograde knee bend in Painter, but it just made the picture too geeky.  At more than enough nerd factor as it is, this will have to do for earning my Badge Of Perpetual Geekdom.  Can anybody surpass this?  (Please??)