Tuesday, August 8, 2017

1402 - We Three Bees

Bees took up residence under our compost bin.  Partly this is a comment on how much yard work I have been doing lately, since I haven't been out and Nature is moving in.  

My wife and I decided to look up which species has taken over our garden.  Our guess is Bombus vagans, commonly known as the Half-Black Bumblebee.  It's a species that ranges across both coasts of North America and as far south as New Mexico.  Although considered a common species, all bumblebees are currently under threat from disease and environmental conditions.

My camera has a remote trigger.  I set it up at the entrance to the hive and waited for bees.  I took a bunch of shots but they all turned out blurry and mis-exposed.  I also have a whole series where the bee flew out of the frame before I could snap the shutter.  

This one turned out well, though.  These bees are making good use of the entrance to their hive.