Sunday, January 13, 2013

715 - "The Stinker"

Today is the first Ungood Art Day for 2013!  Every thirteenth of the month on JSVB, I publish from my archives a piece of my crappy art.  While I would not suggest that my good stuff is that much better than my ungood stuff, if you can't tell the difference between the two then we can't be friends. 
Over time, I've collected a few bits of clay sculpture.  I've decided that everything I've modelled in clay fits the ungood category.  This piece is based somehow on "The Thinker" by Auguste Rodin.  I remember having trouble mastering the human form in clay, so I decided to add some random bits and turn the creature into some sort of gargoyle.  Gargoyles are easier than people to render because critics know what people are supposed to look like. 
Even so, the pose seems more like this fellow is sitting and thinking, flushed with his ordurous ordeal, rather than just thinking.  Note the finger scratching at the neck, indicating significance of some sort.  You should consider buying this thing, sold as-is.  Ignore the accumulated dust, which would be carefully cleaned off before shipping.  Unless you like the dust, in which case every bit of fluff and hair will be carefully preserved before shipping.