Monday, September 3, 2012

646 - Drink Like A Fish

My brother-in-law brought up as a topic of conversation the caffeination of the Pacific Ocean.  A recent study has shown that caffeine levels in the ocean have been rising, and that stresses the marine life.  Caffeine does not occur naturally in ocean environments, so the culprit is likely the world's leading consumer of caffeine, which is people. 

We dump our leftover coffee into the sink, and transform tea into liquid waste by the tonne.  Well, I say "we" in the cultural sense.  Loyal JSVB readers will know that I take as little caffeine as I can.  From my view, I can be correct in pointing out that we should all be drinking much less caffeine than we do now.  It would help save the fishes!  However, even the researchers who presented their data refused to suggest that we cut our caffeine.  Probably they are all coffee-drinkers.  The Big Roasted Bean has got to them, I figure. 

Caffeine in our water is nothing new.  For decades, the ground water under Seattle, their freshest clean water source,  has been caffeinated.  You can get a buzz just from drinking their tap water.  This is on account of all the used coffee dumped by the citizens of The Emerald City. 

The cartoon makes fun of the situation a bit.  It was a request!  See!  I do requests!  Sometimes it takes me months to get to them, but I do honour requests!  I don't know anything about parenting, though, so it'd likely be a bad idea to give your offspring coffee to make him feel better about going to school.  JSVB: disclaimered, so there.