Thursday, February 16, 2012

538 - They Call Him Doctor Carl

Doctor Carl Memford: mad scientist, fugitive from justice, and all-around jerkweed.  Dr. Carl is the third and final main character from Minmax Studio's award-winning mega-hit space shoot-'em-up "Space Pirates And Zombies".   My gratitude goes to Minmax for their kind permission to use their characters on JSVB. 

Between Captain Don and Elsa, Dr. Carl is by a wide margin the smartest of the Space Pirate crew.  Which is not to suggest that Carl is brave, noble, or even at least mildly pleasant.  He's just smart, and that's the limit. 

I like him a lot.

To see Elsa, please click here.  To see Captain Don, please click here and here. 

Some minor characters from Space Pirates And Zombies will follow in future JSVB posts.