Saturday, July 31, 2010

171 - Not An X-File At All

While I am on my UFO kick, I thought I'd share a photo of mine that I found that has an unidentfied flying object on it.  I noticed the anomaly when I was searching for pictures I have taken of the sky for yesterday's other-worldly entry (please click here to see it, and for good measure, you might as well click here to see the seminal entry on this topic). 

There is a dot that I at first thought was a leaf on a tree.  However the object is clearly in mid-air, not attached to anything.

Judging by its colour, its apparent motion, and the focal plane, I think the object is at least as close as the trees and very small, rather then being large, dark, and mysterious next to the mountain.  I feel it's lepidopteran: a moth, rather than a dyad scout vessel.