Sunday, August 28, 2011

438 - "Dude, Where's My (Flying) Car?"

Like many people I know, I am waiting patiently for the big auto companies to release a flying car for public use.  From time to time I also draw them, although I am not all that big into drawing cars, and I probably should use a ruler more often. 

I don't think I'll ever work up enough money to buy a flying car, nor the nerve to pilot it.

These sketches are necessary monkey work for myself because I want to composite some flying vehicles into the futuristic city scene I created a couple of days ago.  These designs seem to me derivative of others seen in movies and videogames.  I'd rather have aircars that look too familiar as long as they are quickly recognizable as flying futuristic vehicles.  I don't want to invest hours coming up with a technically outstanding design that looks in the final run like a dog turd hovering in the sky.