Monday, March 15, 2010

70 - Brutus Versus Caesar

Today is the Ides of March!  It's the anniversary of the assassination of Roman dictator Julius Caesar by his good friend Marcus Brutus.  The cartoon I drew may not make sense without reading yesterday's JSVB entry (click here to learn more).  Even so, I am borrowing the idea from cartoonist Scott MacLeod's "DESTROY!" comic book. 


  • The Romans marked the end of the month with "kalends" and the middle of the month with "ides".  So the "kalends of February" would be two weeks before the "ides of March".

  • We don't really know what Caesar's last words were.  "Et tu, Bruté" was popularized in William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar".  It's excellent reading. 

  • Even today, citizens of the city of Rome leave bouquets of flowers at the steps of the ruins of the old Roman Forum to honour the memory of Caesar.