Saturday, August 18, 2018

1539 - Bespoke Worlds: Mongo V

Less is more, perhaps.  I need to remember that this project is experimental, and with trial and error there are bound to be mistakes.  

On the plus end of the scale, I restored the colour of the ocean, adding some nice cartoony swirls.  Oceans should always swirl on globes, I think.  On the minus end of things I forgot that globes never dry flat, so a fair amount of the wet ocean migrated from the northern hemisphere onto the southern continents where it pooled and dried all over Tropica, The Great Mongo Desert and Naquk.  I spent the day repairing the flood. 

My next intention was to line the continents with gold, which you can see above.  I'm used to using the gold pigment from Golden Acyrlics (a bit of co-incidence in the name), but at the art store I got sweet-talked into buying Liquitex.  Liquitex is cheaper than Golden by a few dollars, and it looks better.  Unfortunately, I discovered that it doesn't flow better.  I must have done something wrong because the paint would form gelatinous lumps when thinned.  The thin paint was too thin, and the lumps were too thick albeit they were usable.  I should have remembered to use acrylic medium which is the translucent liquid part of acrylic paint that binds the pigment.  Medium is cheap and easy to find at any art store. 

Painting with thick gold paint yielded thick lines.  The effect is unsubtle, especially on these small globes.  On a larger globe, there would be no problem.  I spent some of the day thinning out the more obvious lines, but I'm not going to go over the entire globe with this fix.    

The next step, again highly experimental, will be to create labels to put text on the globe.  I really hope it works!