Thursday, September 1, 2011

441 - Plumbing The Depths

We broke the tap on our bathroom sink.  The tap was old, so there was no surprise. 

What was vexing were the repairs made under the sink made by the previous owner of our house.   All of the fixtures were fastened so tight that even the Incredible Hulk would complain that they were hopelessly stuck.

Worse still, the pipes were altered in such a way so that it was impossible to operate the water cutoffs.  Risers, drains, pipes, and stopcocks created a Gordian knot of hardware beneath the basin.  I've replaced taps on my own before, but this job was on a whole new magnitude.  We resorted to calling in a handyman, who also puzzled over the bizarre plumbing. 

Together, we hit upon the solution of installing a new stopcock past the stuck  cutoff valve.  It looks like the repair ought to hold!