Tuesday, September 14, 2010

205 - Jeff Minus Jeff's Wife

Ask anybody, and they will tell you that I hate postmodern deconstructionism.  That's the current art form where somebody takes a pre-existing piece of art or design, tweaks it a little, and then re-brands the thing as their own.  It borrows on the hard work and genius of the previous person.  Grafting your own name onto somebody else's efforts just seems powerfully wrong to me.  Unless, of course, I am the one doing it, because, after all, I think I am getting pretty darned good at it. 

Another exception is if somebody else thinks of it before I do, and it's really, really awesome.  Case in point, "Garfield Minus Garfield" by Dan Walsh, but mostly by Jim Davis. 

Since it's girls' night out, and my beloved has stepped out of the house for a while, I decided to try a "Jeff Minus Jeff's Wife" comic strip, just to see how things would go.  Not that I ever want to end up this way, mind you...

Jeff Minus Jeff's Wife

Original Unaltered Strip:

You know, maybe I spend way too much time at the computer.