Wednesday, July 7, 2010

158 - "You've Been Warned"

Generally, I want JSVB to be approachable by everybody with an Internet connection.  However, I am finding there are times that I would like to explore visual themes that go beyond the price of a general admission ticket. 

I've decided to create some warning banners and a new JSVB Category: You've Been Warned!

The idea is that if I wish to post something that may be objectionable or should be kept from view of children or in-laws, then there will be a fair warning preceding that post.  Not that I ever to expect to show something truly disturbing, of course.

This doubles as a sketchbook exercise in making icons.  I respect the people that make great icons.  It's difficult to do well.  These pictures represent first-draft efforts at creating icons for the various warnings.  I may revise them as I go along, as rarely is a first draft any good as an icon.  These are more like little illustrations than proper icons, anyways.