Thursday, April 1, 2010

85 - Ruining Commentary

Well, April Fool's, ha, ha, ha.  If you read the last post (click here to see it), then you'll have seen that the Comments link did nothing.  Heck, if I knew some HTML, I'm sure I could have had it do something. 

April Fool's always has rubbed me a bit the wrong way.  I seldom come up with convincing foolery, and I usually fall for the joke.  So in case today's posts are more annoying than amusing, I provide this new feature to JSVB, for as long as need be or until I get tired of it:

                                                           CHOOSE YOUR OPINION

Now you can click on the little box next that most closely matches your opinion.  Your choices are STUNNING and/or EVOCATIVE.  Now you can finally have your say on JSVB, automatically!  Or you can send me e-mails, I like that.