Wednesday, December 20, 2017

1445 - Archangel Gabriel IX

Just as I am getting a handle on my icon, I have to quit for a Christmas break.  Instead of hunching over a painting table, I'll eat turkey and drink wine.  

Incidentally, the angel's hand isn't making a sideways thumbs-up (Fonz Voice: Aaaayyy!!).  That hand will hold its own recursive icon, only I haven't drawn it yet (you can look up The Droste Effect if you care to learn about this).  This miniature icon represents what the icon bearer is best known for, so saints of a particular cathedral will hold on to a miniature cathedral, and Saint John the Baptist holds his own severed head - something that throws back to gory uncanniness or an Addams Family prank depending on how orthodox you are.  

So, the angel is going to be holding the entire Universe.  Anybody have any concept on how to draw that in a circle about the size of a Canadian nickel, please e-mail me, I'm wondering on this myself.  It's the biggest reason I haven't painted anything in that lower right corner yet.