Thursday, June 27, 2013

805 - "Raccoon Ridge Winery Estates"

A few days ago, my friend Tony invited my wife and me out to the gorgeous wine country of Penticton and Summerland, in British Columbia.  It was fantastic to see Tony again, and it also opened my eyes to the variety of high quality wine produced in this region.
Over time, Tony has become a wine expert, and with his guidance we were able to share in some spectacular wines.  Some regional wines, though, are produced simply because there are many, many cheap grapes available.  We took to grouping those lesser vintages under the fictional label of "Raccoon Ridge".  I've finally finished the artwork for the bottle.  Like the wine, I had to make some artistic compromises, but it's there for anybody who needs it. 
Unfortunately, there is a real Raccoon Ridge wine from out of Vermont.  As it is, though, Raccoon Ridge is just a single label from a larger brand.   A single, rather plain-looking label, if I am allowed to comment, especially when compared to mine.  Hopefully, no angry e-mails are on the way.