Thursday, July 19, 2012

623 - "In Beer We Trust"

I owe my friend Bob some beer for return of the favour that he was able to repair my bicycle.  I decided to burn off a JSVB entry by making a beer coupon.  I already had the beer stein and Ben Franklin art ready to go from previous JSVB projects, so it was just a matter of putting all the pieces together in Photoshop.  Seeing as I am just printing only one of these valuable beauties, I feel that I should be able to keep track of the beer I owe. 

*I did put an asterisk at the end of Ben Franklin's name for a reason.  I have been using this quote for years as a drinking toast.  I did a little research on the Internet and discovered that historians have long ago exploded the idea that Franklin had such a great love for beer, and that it seems most unlikely he said that quote.  If anything, old Ben was writing about wine, and of God's divine providence in supplying all of the ingredients in abundance within Nature for all of us to have wine to drink.