Thursday, March 8, 2012

551 - "Con-Am 69"

A science fictional retro-futuristic company logo patch for Con-Am 69. This is based loosely on the "Con-Am 27" company logo patch from the retro-futuristic science fiction film "Outland" (1981).

I added the iconic Mudflap Girl/Rachel because I thought that would make the logo more amusing, on account of it all being somewhat sexist.  Attributing intellectual ownership of the Mudflap Girl has proven to be a chore.  Some sources claim that Bill Zinda created or at least commissioned her in his truck repair shop in the 1970's.  The United States trademark for "Rachel" is owned by Ed Allen, who says he is the son of the model for the design.  Either way, I freely appropriated the version by Andrzej K. a.k.a. "Szczepan1990" under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.  Mr. Andrzej does not endorse in any way my version of the artwork.  Like him, I provide this artwork as a free reference under my own CC license, as mentioned in the ever-present "JSVB Legal" column to the  right.