Friday, October 18, 2013

857 - A Peanut In The Ear

A story from my childhood.  One day, as my friend Earl and I were passing time, he decided to throw a peanut at my head.  A one-in-a-million shot, the peanut lodged directly into my ear canal, a goober-natorial hole-in-one.  It's a true story, and very much a life-changing moment for my friend Earl, who has since devoted a surprisingly large amount of his life towards angling peanuts into people's earholes.  Thankfully, Earl and I live in different time zones now.
And here's the real story: 
First, the peanut in the ear is all true.  However we weren't children at the time, as pictured.  Yesterday on JSVB, I drew a picture of myself as a Charles Schultz Peanuts character.  For whatever reason, that portrait unleashed a flood of peanut-in-the-ear nostalgia on Facebook.  So, I decided to commemorate the event with this new drawing, and since the Peanuts characters are all kids, I drew us as children.  The true fact was that Earl and I, as well as a group of our University buddies, all young adults, went out to an aviation airshow, and in a lull between fighter jets breaking the sound barrier, that's when Earl flung a peanut at my head.
Second, the peanut was shelled. I drew it not shelled so that it would visually read as a peanut.  Earl threw the peanut at my head fully expecting the peanut to bounce.  When it did not, he was agog.  It turns out that an adult human ear canal is the precise receptacle for a shelled peanut.  Again, it was a one-in-a-million shot, proven out by Earl's subsequent attempts to launch a peanut into my ear, and then into other people's ears.  Earl has since refined his technique by using stealth to approach the unsuspecting earhole and by inserting a peanut at point-blank range. 
This JSVB post was brought to you by the Department Of Things You Did Not Really Need To Know.