Wednesday, March 13, 2013

749 - Bad Norman

Today is the thirteenth of the month, and here on JSVB that is Ungood Art Day. This day, I pull out something from my art files that started out on the path of best intentions but somehow veered hard left and fell into a steaming pit of botched execution. It's visual proof that the foundation of Good Art is Ungood Art. Sure Mozart was writing concertos at thirteen years of age, but they were all Ungood! Nobody plays them or wants to hear them. Mozart learned from his mistakes, or at least most of them.

As an experiment, I combined the genetics of two of my friends - a mad, bizarre JSVB entry that created the fictitious "Norman".  The finished Norman was the result of considerable trial and error, mostly error.  You can see how I wanted Norman to look by clicking here.
I'm showing off the first draft of Norman.  He's creepy-looking because I took adult features and scaled them to fit the child's face.  I discovered that the facial muscles don't match the poses of the features.  This makes the face look like a Joker mask.  The image is pixellated because the source images were low-resolution to begin with, which contributes to the Ungoodliness of this attempt. 
I became very frustrated with this piece, and almost abandoned the effort to create Norman.  I realized at least that I could make an Ungood Art entry out of it, and recovered it from the Trash Bin.  Now Norman 1.0 - Bad Norman - will live on the Internet forever!