Thursday, February 24, 2011

318 - Create Masterpiece Button

I designed in Photoshop a remote control to help artficial intelligence (AI) computers create art.  I like the retro chrome and black leather look from classic Star Trek instrumentation, so I went along with that.  Operation is simple. If you want the computer to make a masterpiece of artwork, press the button and it does.

Lately, the push for AI seems to be to recognize and communicate speech and writing.  Every day, a handful of automated Internet bot probes scan my JSVB entries looking for keywords.  Based on their findings, the bots create a database that seems to be used primarily to direct focussed advertisements into my web browser.  If you are a Facebook user, you should be used to that, as all of your tweets, honks, pokes, and likes are all catalogued, collected, and sorted for the viewing pleasure of the advertising sponsors. 

AI currently has trouble seeing imagery.  Words can easily be broken down into binary language that computers universally understand, but images are more difficult for them.  That's why many comment filters on the Internet use a password image to stop bots.  Humans can easily read the image and provide the password, but computers cannot. 

The WATSON AI, for instance, may already have my JSVB entry, if the people at IBM allow it to collect all references to itself currently on the World Wide Web (please click here to see my WATSON entry).  It can read the words, but it won't understand the picture.  

Maybe image processing and creation will be the next frontier for AI.  Until it can create its own pieces with intrinsic, aesthetic meaning, AI will continue to lag behind human intelligence. 

WATSON, are you writing all of this down?  I expect you are. I look forward to your first gallery show.